Our mission
Innovative solutions and IT consulting
Research and development
We promote and value scientific research results in those fields with high added value (logistics, finance, etc.)
Valorisation of the territory
We aim at developing both Calabria and Puglia territories by introducing competition and innovation
Student program
We offer interesting career opportunities to students and young graduates
Why Ride2GO!

Urban mobility demand is becoming less and less systematic and the standard transportation system often cannot respond effectively. In addition Kyoto protocol stresses the importance to resort to transportation systems other than private.
Intensify standard services is not always the response, since it leads to higher costs for transportation companies and municipalities, higher levels of pollution, road use, security issues and traffic.
In many scenarios, a good alternative that has been effective, is the integration of the standard services with flexible services, also called Demand Responsive Transportation (DRT) or Dial-a-Ride services. These kind of services satisfy the need of mobility of certain groups of users, such as disabled, tourists, students, mainly in those areas or time slots where the demand is weak.
Ride2GO! is an integrated platform that allows to implement and manage a number of transportation services as well as optimization and fleet management.
Other fields of interest
Master production scheduling
Workload assignment in lines of production and factories
Performance evaluation of production systems through discrete event simulation
Integrated distribution planning based on
VMI paradigm
Container loading optimization
Real-time fleet management
Docking, loading and unloading integrated planning
Gestione del piazzale
Routing in service area
Route optimization
Interactive map tools
Shift scheduling
Team scheduling